Command Line, Git and Github!

What we learned from INFO 201 and What I explored myself about Github!



- Came out of Linux Development Community
- Built by Lunus Torvalds in 2005
- Initially built to combat issues of Speed, Support non - linear development and handle large projects like Linux Efficiently.

So what exactly is Git?


Basic Workflow of Git:
1. Modify files in your working Directory.
2. Stage files, adding snapshots of them to your staging area
3. Do a commit, which takes the files as they are in the staging area and stores that snapshot permanently to your local Git directory

One Important step with Git:  Using Good Commit Messages  This becomes very essential especially when you have multiple people looking at your code and if they are looking for a very specific edit, they can just refer to messages, saving time scrolling through lines and lines of code.

Some common git commands -

Well, this was some basic stuff about git, but did you know that Git was so useful that you could use it to post your website online, without paying a dime?
Here's How -
1. Start off with creating a new repository on Github
2.  Under the settings tab -  Scroll Down to GitHub Pages under options -

In this option of GitHub Pages, select the branch from which you want to pull the layout and scripts for the website. You can also chose from inbuilt themes that GitHub Pages offers and build a website with it. The domain of the website would pop up as <your username>!

That is how simple it is, to you have your own website running different languages under one same place. 

Isn't it cool that you can do all these things - Collaborate on Open source projects, build and host websites for free - all on Github for free? However, some things might change soon With the acquisition of GitHub my Microsoft :/ 

According a famous online News Source - Quartz, here's what they have to say about Github

The acquisition of GitHub will likely strengthen Microsoft’s cloud services offerings, with the company now able to provide developers with one place to work on their code and host their programs. It’s also a stark transition for Microsoft, which actively fought against open-source platforms in the 1990s and 2000s. 
Maybe for the profits or maybe for the company's new zeal to contribute to the Open Source Community, interference of a capitalist company like Microsoft can definitely change a lot of things for the open source community. Hopefully, Microsoft understands this and preserves the utility of Github!

That's All Folks! ~ Yash